An Entirely New Green
Hydrogen Technology
A Revolution in
Hydrogen Production
QD-SOL’s breakthrough green hydrogen technology comes as the result of 15 years of cutting-edge research by Prof. Lilac Amirav. We cut electrolysis out of the picture and generate hydrogen directly from sunlight using nanoparticles that catalyze separation from water. Now, green hydrogen can be produced affordably, creating a sustainable solution that works for both industry and the environment.

QD-SOL’s quantum green hydrogen provides many benefits over both conventional
gray hydrogen production and today’s green hydrogen processes.
Low Cost
Our direct use of energy from sunlight through nanoparticles cuts out the need for expensive photovoltaic panels or wind turbines in green hydrogen production.
Green Energy
We make the most effective use of our renewable resources with record-breaking efficiency turning energy from sunlight into usable hydrogen production.
No Pollutants
Our hydrogen production technology process doesn’t generate any emissions, and the fuel itself only releases water vapor when it burns.
Renewable Energy
Sustainable and affordable hydrogen production creates a renewable fuel source that can be used in transportation, heating, and so much more.
Reducing Global Warming
Our affordable green hydrogen technology can compete with harmful gray hydrogen production that generates hydrogen from fossil fuels.
Quantum green hydrogen is a technology that satisfies both cost considerations and environmental needs, creating a truly sustainable solution for the future.
Our ground-breaking hydrogen production technology is something entirely new. As such, we currently have a patent pending for our technology, which will enable us to move toward a more sustainable future and do our part to revolutionize the industry.

Filed 3 patent
applications in the USA